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Makeup Artist And Hair Stylist With A Back Ground In Asthetic Studies

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Wednesday 10 April 2013

What Skin Do You Have??




DID YOU KNOW??Men have thicker skin than women..LIKE LITERALLY!It's one of the reasons they DON'T AGE as fast as women.They have more collagen and elastin.Collagen gives your skin strength and elastin gives your skin the ability to stretch.
Have you ever wondered why women have softer skin that men?We have more fat deposits under our skin.  -.-

Ever wonder what skin type you have?Hopefully this post can clear your doubts. :)



Dry skin tends to feel flaky, dry and tight.It does'nt look shiny at all.Dry skin tends to have pigmentation problems and can easily develope wrinkles thus it's more prone to aging.Don't let the occurance of white heads on your nose or skin fool you into thinking you have oily skin..It could be a build up dead skin cells on your skin.


People who have oily skin are considered the most blessed people in the beauty world cause they tend not to age as fast as the rest of us as the oil hydrates their skin. Unfortunetly with this blessing comes responsibility cause if you don't take care of your skin ,it can get very oily so it tends to suffer from alot of pimples, clogged pores and even acne.Oily skin looks shiney beacause it has over active sebaceous glands.The most oilest parts of the face are the forehead , nose and chin.Oily skin tends to have enlarged pores.


Normal skin has a good balance of moisture and oil.The pore size on normal skin is very small.The normal skin type has a very even tone and is soft as well as clear in nature. If you have normal skin you most probably have a peaches and cream complexion.


Combination skin type will either have an oily T- Zone (forehead,nose and chin area) and  dry skin on the other parts of their skin or vice versa.
This type of skin can be quite tricky to care for but where there is a will there is a way. :P


Sensitive skin has broken capillaries thus having red undertones.The skin can be very sensitive to products used causing irritation , itching and a burning sensation on the skin.Products used for this skin type can make or break it.

Hopefully this post helped you find out what skin type you have.Knowing what skin you have is key to knowing how to care for it. Personally knowing I had dry- sensitive skin definetly helped me. In the next blog post find out what skin routine you should follow for each individual skin type.
P.s- Got a hair cut today at B.Blunt, Banglore. They did an AMAZING Job!Do check them out :)


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